2022 - 2023 South Central FFA Officers
President - Lydia Chaffee
Vice President - Braden Kiesel
Secretary - Hayley Putt
Treasurer - Cheyanne Coffman
Reporter - Luke Minniear
Sentinel - Diton Farnsworth
Student Advisor - Gage Lauderman
Parliamentarian - Faith Grosswiler
Upcoming Events/FFA Meetings
February 13, 2023 at 6:00pm in the Ag Shop
March 13, 2023 at 6:00pm in the Ag Shop
April 19, 2023 at 6:30pm in the Gym - Banquet
May 17, 2023 at 6:00pm in the Ag Shop
For all contest information check AET!
Strawberry Sales Starting Soi
Any questions? See an FFA member!
Dog Training
On December 5th, 2022 We give special thanks to Dakota Miller and Zues for giving a demonstration for the different training techniques used to train law enforcement dogs.

Parliamentary Procedure
On November 22nd, 2022 The SC FFA parliamentary procedure team placed 2nd in the sub district contest.

Veterans Day Assembly
On November 11th, 2022 Some FFA members helped run and performed in a skit for the Veterans day assembly.

American Degree
On October 29th, 2022 The American degree session started! Good luck to Isaac Brown.

Three Star Gold Chapter award
On October 27th, 2022 Ella Sanders and Gracie Berendt went up and received the Three Star Gold Rated Chapter award!

FFA t-shirt Quilt
On October 6th, 2022 the FFA made a t-shirt quilt in which was sold at the game that Friday. All the proceeds then went to the Feichtner barns at the Huron County Fairground!

Urban Soils
Congratulations to the Urban Soils team that placed first in the county contest!

First FFA Meeting of the Year
On September 12, 2022 The FFA had their first meeting of the year! In which they played German softball to start off the year.

Huron County Fair
On August 14, 2022 the FFA students started moving their Fair projects in.

Ultimate Zipline
On June 3rd, 2022 The FFA had a great time at the Ultimate Zipline in Hocking Hills thanks to our guides Steve and Dale.

On June 2nd, 2022 We give a special thanks to Colonel Crawford FFA officers for spending the day with a few of our Seniors working on AET!

State FFA Degree
The highest award at the state level... The State FFA degree! Lydia Chaffee and Braden Kiessel both earned this prestigious award that less than 2% of members earn.

State Gold Rated Officer pins
On May 10th of 2022 Lydia Chaffee, Cheyanne Coffman, and Sam received their State Gold Rated Officer pins for their hard work and submitting an officer book for review.

Schmidt's Fudge Haus
On May 10th of 2022 on the trip to State FFA Convention the FFA stopped at Schmidt's Fudge Haus to see one of our favorite people and have some of the best chocolate ever!

Charitable Giving Recognition
On May 5th Lorin Walcher accepted our Charitable Giving Recognition for our involvement in local community service as a chapter.

FFA Rise Program
On May 5th, 2022 Gavin Sexton and Blade Hale were selected for the FFA Rise program for Sunrise Cooperatives.

2022 FFA Banquet
On April 20th, 2022 the South Central FFA held their annual banquet. This is where they hand out awards and certificates. We always eat a great meal and watch an FFA slideshow made by one of the students.

Floriculture Clinic
On February 17th, 2022 South Central, New London, and Willard FFA chapters attended a floriculture clinic held by South Central FFA. The Huron County Master Gardeners taught the students how to make boutonnieres, flower bouquets and ribboning.

Canned Food Drive
On December 18th, the South Central FFA transported canned food that the middle school raised!

South Central FFA Has Annual Fruit Sales
On December 9th, the South Central FFA sold, sorted and delivered approximately $12,000 of Fruit, Jerky, Nuts and BBQ Sauce! Top seller was Lydia Chaffee and the second highest seller was Alexis Sayler. Congratulations to all members who sold and participated.

Christmas Castle
On Wednesday, December 8th, members of the South Central FFA went shopping for stocking stuffers to donate to the local Christmas Castle program. The members within the chapter had a Penny Wars competition to raise money to support local families in the Christmas Castle program. Great job to all who participated in the Penny Wars and shopping. A special congratulations to the second period Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources class that won the penny wars.

Christmas Breakfast with FFA members and Staff
On December 8th, 2021, the South Central FFA members invited the South Central Staff to share in a Holiday breakfast feast. 17 staff and employees joined the 77 members in eating and celebrating.

FFA Members Assist the Salvation Army
On December 4th, 2021, 43 members of the South Central FFA participated in the Red Kettle Campaign for the Greenwich Salvation Army at Dollar General. All donated money helps individuals in the Greenwich, Delphi and North Fairfield areas. Members ringing the bell in this picture are: Cheyenne Doughty, Blade Hale, Tyler White, Sam Bolen, Ethan White.

Soils Awards
On December 3rd, the South Central FFA received a visit from Alisa Highlander representing the Huron County Soil and Water Conservation District. Mrs. Highlander presented some of the members of the South Central Urban and Rural Soils teams with 1st place plaques for their achievements in soil judging this fall for the Huron County Soils Career Development Event.

Bed Battalion
On December 3rd, 80 members of the South Central FFA Chapter participated in the Bed Battalion Project: Winning the War Against Sleeping on the Floor. The members cut all of the pieces for the bed frames and assembled the sides. The New London FFA Chapter will be assembling the rest of the beds together. The Bed Battalion Project is a project run by the Huron County Sheriff's Office. So far from the generous donations of numerous individuals and businesses in Huron County we have already been able to fund not only making the bed frame but supplying the mattresses, sheets, comforters, pillows, and pillowcases for 216 children in Huron County. This month's joint effort between South Central FFA and New London FFA will add an additional 35 beds. Due to Covid, we are trying a new method to get beds to the children. On December 19th, a pick-up day will happen at New London High School’s FFA shop from 1pm to 4pm where a family with a child(ren) in need of a bed can pick up the bed frame, mattress, sheets, comforter, pillow, and pillowcase all free of charge on a first-come, first-served basis.

Parliamentary Procedure
On November 22, 2021, the South Central FFA Officers participated in the Subdistrict A Advanced Parliamentary Procedure Career Development Event and placed 1st in the Subdistrict. The members were assessed on their abilities to participate effectively in a business meeting or group-making situations. The members had to demonstrate random abilities from Robert’s Rules of Order and answer questions regarding the parliamentary procedure. Participating were: Lorin Walcher, Gavin Sexton, Sam Bolen, Madison Gahring, Lydia Chaffee, Cheyanne Coffman and Blade Hale. Congratulations on a great job!

Park Cleanup
On November 12th, some of our FFA members stayed after school to help clean up the Greenwich Park! We all split up and conquered a different part of the park and then we all met back up and ate some pizza!

Paint a Plow
On November 12, the South Central FFA Chapter participated in the Paint a Plow program sponsored by the Huron County Ohio Department of Transportation. The plow theme was voted upon by the members of the South Central FFA Chapter and was worked on by multiple FFA members with a large amount of the painting done by Gavin Sexton and Blade Hale. This year's theme was life is better on the farm. The plow depicts a silhouette farm scene with a camouflage heart that says #Ostrong in memory of former South Central FFA member, Owen Feichtner and three purple butterflies in memory of Delaney Giles, a former Monroeville FFA member. Be on the lookout for it on the County roads when the snow flies!

Ally Burton American FFA Degree
INDIANAPOLIS (Saturday, October 30th, 2021/National FFA Organization)–Each year, the National FFA Organization honors FFA members who show the utmost dedication to the organization through their desire to develop their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. The American FFA Degree is bestowed upon a select group of students in recognition of their years of academic and professional excellence. This year 3,863 American Degrees were be awarded. Ally Burton, a member of the South Central FFA chapter in Greenwich, Ohio was awarded the American FFA Degree at the 94th National FFA Convention & Expo Oct. 27-30. Sponsored by Case IH, Elanco Animal Health, NAU Country Insurance Company, Pepsico Inc, RAM Trucks and Syngenta, the award recognizes demonstrated ability and outstanding achievements in agricultural business, production, processing or service programs. To be eligible, FFA members must have earned and productively invested $10,000 through a supervised agricultural experience (SAE) program in which they own their own business or hold a professional position as an employee. Recipients must also complete 50 hours community service and demonstrate outstanding leadership abilities and civic involvement through completion of a long list of FFA and community activities. Less than one percent of FFA members achieve the American FFA Degree. Each recipient of the American FFA Degree receives a gold American FFA Degree key and certificate after being recognized at the national convention. The National FFA Organization is a school-based national youth leadership development organization of more than 760,000 student members as part of 8,700 local FFA chapters in all 50 states and Puerto Rico.

South Central FFA Members accept National Chapter Award
On October 28, 2021, South Central FFA president, Lorin Walcher, and South Central FFA student advisor, Madison Gahring, went across the stage at the 2021 National FFA Convention to accept the Three Star Gold Rating Award on behalf of the South Central FFA Chapter. In March of 2021, the officer team submitted an application for grading and review, and they are proud of their nationally recognized accomplishments.

South Central FFA on the Road Again!
On October 25, 2021, the South Central FFA members hopped on a bus with Bellevue, Willard and Monroeville FFA members to attend the 2021 National Convention. The trip started in Dayton, Ohio at Young's Dairy and then continued to Louisville, Kentucky. Afterwards, they travelled to Indianapolis to the Convention Center. In Indy they went to Fleece Performance, Ice skating, a conservatory, an escape room and more. What a great trip.

Greenhand Camp
On September 26th, our South Central FFA freshman class took a trip to camp conger where they spent the night in some of their cabins. At this camp they will learn about FFA, how to work together, and some leadership skills. We had two other neighboring schools join us in this camp, so our FFA got to interact with other FFA's as well! South Central's Officer team were our camp counselors this year.

Bed Battalion Project
August 27th, Ben Murphy presented the South Central FFA and Huron County Sheriff's Department with a $4,000 check to assist in our Bed Battalion project to "Win the war against sleeping on the floor!" To provide a bed for every child in Huron County who needs one!

64 South Central FFA Members Participate in the Huron County Fair
On August 15, 2021, 64 South Central FFA Members brought in their projects for the Huron County Fair. Members were judged on their woodworking, SAE posters, animal projects and still life projects. The South Central FFA was represented well at the Huron County Fair.

Don't Bee a Hater! Save a Pollinator!
On August 11th, 2021, the South Central FFA Officer Team created a conservation themed booth at the Huron County Fair. The theme was about bee information and how to help bees in the environment. A special thanks to Jeremy Draper for the Apiary equipment. Congratulations on winning second place!

South Central FFA members have SAE Home Visits!
On August 4th, 2021, Supervised Agricultural Experience Home Visits began. All FFA members taking a project to fair had home visits. Mrs. Lucha and Mrs. Hicks visited 64 FFA members in three days!

Built a Grill
On July 1st, our officer team built our new grill the SC FFA purchased! Gavin and Braden cooked us all some delicious burgers and we watched a movie!

State FFA Degree
On July 1st Sam Bolen, Madison Gahring, Gavin Sexton, and Lorin Walcher all received their State Degree this year! A State Degree is a honor to obtain and they all put in a lot of hard work to earn it.

State FFA Proficiency Awards
On June 23rd, South Central FFA Advisor, Sarah Lucha, and South Central High School Principal, Thomas Hellickson, drove around to deliver the State FFA Proficiency Awards to the South Central FFA members that were honored at the State FFA Virtual Convention this spring. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the convention was virtual, but the awards were handed out in style during the drive by delivery. Congratulations to the following:
Mason Kiesel, son of Brian and Laura Kiesel of New London, who won second in the State FFA Proficiency area of Agricultural Mechanics and Repair for his work at Krystowski Tractor Sales in Wellington, Ohio.
Wesley Madison, son of Brian and Lisa Madison of Greenwich, who won fourth place in the State FFA Proficiency area of Agricultural Mechanics and Repair for his work at Seidel’s Maple Lawn Farms in Greenwich, Ohio.
The requirements for the area of Agricultural Mechanics and Repair states that members work for an employer involved in the repair and maintenance of agricultural equipment and/or structures, including agricultural power systems such as mechanical, electrical, chemical, wind, solar and/or waterpower. Congratulations Mason and Wesley!
Hunter Cooper, son of Amanda Cooper – Shepherd and Brian Shepherd of North Fairfield, who won third place in the State FFA Proficiency area of Poultry Production for his work at Double A Eggs in Plymouth, Ohio.
Benjamin Chaffee III, son of Benjamin Chaffee Jr. and Jody Chaffee, who won the fourth place in the State FFA Proficiency area of Poultry Production for his work at Four Reasons Poultry Farms in Greenwich, Ohio.
The requirements for the area of Poultry Production are that the member owns the enterprise or works fora business that includes the best management practices available to efficiently produce and market chickens, turkeys, domestic fowl such as ducks, geese and guinea, and their raw products. Congratulations to Hunter and Ben!

Officer Retreat
On June 3rd, the South Central FFA Officer team traveled to Kelley's Island where they spent the afternoon cleaning the beach for the Erie County 4-H Camp to prepare it for the first round of campers on the following Monday. Lorin Walcher, Gavin Sexton, Sam Bolen, Madison Gahring, Lydia Chaffee, Cheyanne Coffman and Braden Kiesel raked the debris left by waves out of the field and picked up the driftwood and debris from the beach as well.

Drive Your Tractor to School
March 26th, some of our students participated in our annual drive your tractor to school day! The weather cooperated nicely for that day, and we ended up having a total of 6 tractors!

Petting Zoo
On May 20th, South central students got to enjoy our very own petting zoo! We had all sorts of animals, dogs, goats, pigs, chickens, rabbits, a horse and a bird!

Schmidt's Sausage Haus
On May 6th, South Central FFA's officer team as well as FFA seniors stopped by Schmidt's Sausage Haus after the fudge shop! We enjoyed a big buffet of delicious authentic dishes!

Schmidt's Fudge Haus
On May 6th, our FFA officers and FFA seniors took a field trip to Schmidt's Fudge Haus and got the Honor of handing Tim Dick, the owner, his Honorary State FFA Degree! The South Central FFA nominated him for it too!

Virtual Convention
On April 20th, FFA members watched Sam Bolen, Madison Garhing, Gavin Sexton and Lorin Walcher earn their State Degrees! They were able to watch them on the virtual convention out in the Ag shop.

On March 31st, a few of our FFA members worked on building a chainsaw from scratch! They were assisted by another FFA advisor from a neighboring school. They were able to get two of them to work properly and run!

Etiquette Meal
On March 30th, South Central FFA held an etiquette meal for our sophomore class! In class they learned many etiquette rules to use in society. A little different than normal years but turned out great!

Blessings Box
On March 2nd some of our FFA members helped construct a Blessings Box for North Fairfield township. We donated it to North Fairfield and it now sits in the middle of the town in front of the library.

Bed Battalion
On February 27th South Central FFA held another successful round of Bed Battalion! With the help of New London FFA, we have made 35 more beds for kids that don't have a bed in Huron County!

Combine Tour
On November 23rd all FFA members got to learn about and tour a local combine.

FFA Officers Attend South Central Board meeting
On November 12, 2020, officers virtually attended the board meeting at South Central High school.

State Degrees
This year, 956 Ohio FFA members earned their State FFA Degree, the highest honor a state can bestow upon its members. Eight of those members are from South Central! These individuals exemplify hard work, passion and an incredible level of dedication. These members have remained committed to their Supervised Agricultural Experiences as well as their involvement in their FFA Chapters and communities.
Isaac Brown, son of Eric and Tracy Brown of Norwalk. Isaac earned his State FFA Degree through his work at Boulder Ridge Farms, participating in the Soils and Parliamentary Procedure Career Development Events and serving our community through various community service activities such as Fall Fun Fest setup and Canned Food Drives to support our local communities.
Benjamin Chaffee III, son of Ben and Jody Chaffee of North Fairfield. Ben earned his State FFA Degree through his work at Four Reasons Farm, Will-o-Knoll Farm and Chaffee Farms in Sycamore, Ohio. Ben additionally participated in Career Development Events such as Soils and General Livestock and community service hours spent with the Bed Battalion and the Huron County Jr. Fair Board.
Hunter Cooper, son of Brian and Amanda Shepherd of North Fairfield. Hunter earned his State FFA Degree through his work at Double A Egg Farm, participating in Career Development Events such as Small Engines and Parliamentary Procedure and through serving our community by volunteering at the North Fairfield Food Bank and ringing the bell for the Salvation Army in Greenwich.
Kyser French, son of Robert and Crystal French of Plymouth. Kyser earned his State FFA Degree through work on numerous farms and assisting his father in their shop. Kyser participated in the Poultry and Parliamentary Procedure Career Development Events while additionally assisting his community through his work on Bed Battalion and on local canned food drives.
Rylee Hopkins, daughter of Randall and Jaimee Fannin of North Fairfield. Rylee earned her State FFA Degree through her work at Bent Creek Kennels, participating in the Poultry and Forestry Career Development Events and through serving the community through work such as setting up for Fall Fun Fest and ringing the bell for the Salvation Army in Greenwich.
Emily Keene, daughter of Adam and Lanette Keene of Plymouth. Emily earned her state degree through her market beef and goat projects. Emily participated in the Soils and General Livestock Career Development Events. She additionally serves her community through volunteering in activities such Bed Battalion and ringing the bell for the Salvation Army in Greenwich.
Mason Kiesel, son of Brian and Laura Kiesel of New London. Mason earned his State FFA Degree through his work at Krystowski Tractor Sales in Wellington. Mason participated in the Tractor Trouble Shooting and Soils Career Development Events. Mason has served his community through assisting with Fall Fun Fest and working with the Bed Battalion.
Ivy Ott, daughter of Matt and Tasheena Ott of North Fairfield. Ivy earned her State FFA Degree through her Market Goat, Fair Pigeons and working lawn care for her family. Ivy participated in the Poultry and Soils Career Development Events. She additionally serves her community through her volunteer work for the Huron County Jr. Fair Board and assistance with Fall Fun Fest set up in Norwalk.

FFA Members Celebrate Graduation
On Wednesday, May 13th, the South Central "Graduation" bus escorted by the Student Resource Officer made its way to South Central Seniors houses for Phase 1 of the South Central Graduation process. The "Graduation" Bus consisted of bus driver Patty Clark, Superintendent Ben Chaffee, Principal TJ Hellickson, Senior Class Advisors Brian Kiesel and Sarah Lucah and High School Secretary Cheryl Brown. The bus drove around to scheduled seniors houses to take diploma presentation pictures. At each stop the side of the bus was transformed by a backdrop that was hung from the windows (A donation from the class of 1967) and flowers that were donated by Carla Oney. A South Central graduate sign was placed in each yard as well. Response to the "Graduation" bus was positive! During these uncharted times the South Central Local School District is trying to provide a memorable experience. On Thursday, May 14th, the "Graduation" bus will be making a second round with bus driver Steve Ray. Congratulations South Central 2020 Seniors and we will see you at Phase 2 of our graduation process.

South Central FFA members continue springtime shop tradition
One way to tell that it is finally spring and it close to the end of the school year is the smell of pine at South Central High School that permeates the air from the Agricultural Education Department. This year that changed a little bit. Thanks to students completing general shop safety tests for woodworking before COVID 19, the agricultural education students had an option of replacing computer work with a shop project that would have a little twist - making it at home. Materials were available for pick up in April with the ability to sign out drills and sanders. Everything the student needed was placed into a parking space with sign out sheets left on clip boards along with parent permission slips/waivers for the students to pick up. Students were able to still put together springtime projects but instead of with classmates and their teacher, it was under the watchful eyes of their parents. By allowing students to sign out tools, the students were still able to complete some of their shop projects (Welding, small engines and electricity will have to wait until we are all back together again at school). Students watched step by step videos to assist in teaching the students how to complete the project while adhering to safety rules and regulations. Once each step was completed students filled out a survey to tell Mrs. Lucha how each step progressed. Pictures of the final projects were then sent to show the completed finished projects. 22 freshman made toolboxes, 11 sophomores made bird feeders and 26 upperclassmen made Adirondack chairs. A special thanks to Ms. Brittany Weller, Mr. Brian Kiesel, and Mrs. Michelle Whitright who helped Mrs. Lucha in cutting all the pieces of wood and creating the instructional videos.

South Central FFA 2020 President Receives Ag Credit 110% Award
Congratulations to Ally Burton of the South Central FFA for receiving the Ag Credit 110% Award sponsored by the Huron County Ag Credit Norwalk Branch. The award is given to a graduating senior from supported schools. Ally has been the president of the South Central FFA chapter for the last two years and has led the chapter through various activities while being a role model for other students. Good luck Ally as you venture to The Ohio State University's Agriculture Technology Institute to major in beef cattle nutrition.

Local FFA Member Awarded National American FFA Degree
INDIANAPOLIS (October 29, 2020/National FFA Organization) – Each year, the National FFA Organization honors FFA members who show the utmost dedication to the organization through their desire to develop their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
The American FFA Degree is bestowed upon a select group of students in recognition of their years of academic and professional excellence. This year 4,136 American Degrees were be awarded.
Matthew Whiteside, a member of the South Central FFA chapter in Greenwich, Ohio, was awarded the American FFA Degree at the 93rd National FFA Convention & Expo Oct. 27-29, held virtually.
Sponsored by Case IH, Elanco Animal Health and Syngenta, the award recognizes demonstrated ability and outstanding achievements in agricultural business, production, processing or service programs.
To be eligible, FFA members must have earned and productively invested $10,000 through a supervised agricultural experience (SAE) program in which they own their own business or hold a professional position as an employee. Recipients must also complete 50 hours community service and demonstrate outstanding leadership abilities and civic involvement through completion of a long list of FFA and community activities. Less than one percent of FFA members achieve the American FFA Degree.
Each recipient of the American FFA Degree receives a gold American FFA Degree key and certificate after being recognized at the national convention.
The National FFA Organization is a school-based national youth leadership development organization of more than 760,000 student members as part of 8,700 local FFA chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

FFA Judging
On Sunday, August 16th the Huron County started with the FFA Project Judging. For the Adirondack Chairs: 1st place went to Ben Chaffee of the South Central FFA, 2nd place went to Emma Suddith of the South Central FFA and 3rd Place went to Jackson McCormack of the South Central FFA Chapter. For Small Welding: 1st place goes to Ben Chaffee of the South Central FFA Chapter. For Large Welding: 1st Place goes to Colton White of the Western Reserve FFA. For Small Woodworking: 1st Place goes to Lydia Chaffee of the South Central FFA, 2nd Place goes to Lorin Walcher, and 3rd Place goes to Callie Seamen. Overall best of show goes to Colton White of the Western Reserve FFA.

2020 Huron County Fair
The 2020 Huron County Fair has kicked off this week and South Central FFA members are excited to participate. Madison Gahring is looking forward to competing, she loves the feeling of doing good during the show. Madison is excited about making friends, as some of her closest friends are people I’ve met through the fair. Sadie Suddith is excited for exhibiting her woodworking project and Ally Burton is hoping that her last fair is memorable.

Officer Retreat
On July 26, 2020, the South Central FFA Officer Team held their officer retreat at Bluebird Haven in Greenwich, Ohio. The officer team met with owner Richard Dolbeer who explained the history of the land and told them of his conservation efforts for wildlife in the area. Mr. Dolbeer has worked for both the United States Department of Agriculture and NASA and departed some interesting facts to the officer team. Later in the evening the team built a picnic table to donate to Blue Bird Haven, went on a hike and went fishing and paddle boat riding in the pond. To end the evening the students discussed the upcoming year calendar and activities that will occur amidst the everchanging times.

South Central FFA Officers honored at 2020 Ohio FFA Celebration
On Wednesday, May 6, 2020, the South Central FFA Officer Team earned high honors at the virtual 2020 Ohio FFA Celebration. The nine officers consisting of Ally Burton, Emily Keene, Sam Bolen, Mason Kiesel, Lorin Walcher, Hunter Cooper, Kyser French, Benjamin Chaffee and Rylee Hopkins received the notification that the application the submitted at the State Level was rated Gold and it will be forwarded to the National Level where they hope to rank as a Three Star Gold Rated Chapter.
Additionally, three officers were recognized for their additional work as individual officers. Sam Bolen’s Secretary’s Book received a Gold Rating at the State Level, Mason Kiesel’s Treasurer’s Book received a Gold Rating at the State Level and Lorin Walcher’s Reporter’s Book received a Gold Rating at the State Level as well.
The entire team worked extremely hard throughout the year to accomplish these achievements. Congratulations to the 2019-2020 South Central FFA Officer Team for all they have done.

Two South Central FFA Juniors in the Top 4 in the State
Although we will not be able to gather together for the 92nd Ohio FFA Convention due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Ohio FFA will still be recognizing members and commemorating another year of student success. Two of those members are Benjamin Chaffee, III and Mason Kiesel. Both members have been announced as being in the top 4 in the state in their respective proficiency areas.
Ben Chaffee, III is the son of Ben Chaffee and Jody Chaffee of North Fairfield. Ben’s proficiency area is Diversified Agriculture. Ben’s Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAE) during the last three years are working as a farmhand at Will-O-Knoll Dairy Farms in North Fairfield, taking animals to the Huron County Fair and his present positions are as a farm hand at Four Reasons Poultry Farm in Greenwich and Chaffee Grain Farms in Sycamore, Ohio.
Mason Kiesel is the son of Brian and Laura Kiesel of New London. Mason’s proficiency area is Agricultural Mechanics. Mason’s Supervised Agricultural Experience for the last three years has been working seasonally for Krystowski Tractor Sales in Wellington, Ohio where he assembles small tractors and mowers and assisted occasionally in customer service.
Both Ben and Mason submitted an application in early January where they discussed their SAE’s in detail, discussed their accomplishments and challenges through the years, attached six photographs with captions and added letters of recommendation. There applications went up against numerous others from around the state and they were both chosen to be in the top four! Normally they would have an interview at the State FFA Convention with the placings announced at convention. However, this year the
the 2020 Ohio FFA Celebration will take place online via Ohio FFA social media channels. The results will be tallied from their applications and placings will be announced by the Ohio FFA. Please join the South Central FFA in honoring these members by tuning into the Ohio FFA Facebook page to view the results as they happen on Tuesday, May 5th at 4pm. Let’s support our members in celebration of their current accomplishment and placings!
Huron County AG Teachers Make New Booths at the Fairgrounds
With the help of the Huron County Soil and Water Conservation District, some of the Huron County Agricultural Education Instructors, a few FFA members and the teachers' kids are working to make new FFA booths for the 2019 Huron County Fair in the Agronomy building. Special thanks to Scott Bauer for designing the booths and Chad Stang for spearheading the project.